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Generous Generations is part of the Global Children’s Forum (GCF) partnering network and the Global Sports Movement, ReadySetGo. Through these valued partnerships, we work tirelessly to spread the message of Biblical generosity to children, youth, and young adults worldwide.

“You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
‭‭Acts ‭20‬:‭35‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Some of our current partners

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Churches, ministries, organizations, and individuals around the world turn to Generous Generations for our Generosity Discipleship Processes (GDPs), uniquely crafted to resonate with all ages.

Our Story

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In 2020, after attending a Journey of Generosity, and witnessing the transformative impact of living a lifestyle of generosity, we began to question: Why do we wait until adulthood to instil the life-changing values of generosity?

Partnering with our friends at the Global Children’s Forum (GCF), we convened in March 2023 in São Paulo, Brazil, to explore the concept of “Children’s Generosity” resources. Over the course of that week, 14 global volunteers brainstormed with us, and Generous Generations was born.

After returning to South Africa, we officially registered as a Non-Profit Company (NPC). With the help of dedicated volunteers, we began crafting content. Over the next year, the Lord brought in additional volunteers and translators eager to see the resources created and translated.

Today, our global team of volunteers and translators generously donate their time to make this dream a reality.

Two little boys with fresh apple sit on a white background. Healthy food.
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Our Vision

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We envision a world of Generous Generations from diverse backgrounds, who recognize the needs in their communities and instinctively unite to address them. We imagine a global movement of children, youth and young adults, who model the love of Christ through the transformative impact of Biblical generosity.

Our Strategy

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Our strategy revolves around fostering a global culture of Biblical generosity among all generations: children, youth, young adults and adults. Through state-of-the-art, interactive Generosity Discipleship Experiences (GDEs) we inspire, equip, empower, and guide them to live a life of radical generosity. These processes are uniquely crafted for each age group, ensuring that our message resonates deeply.

Our strategy is outlined below:

  1. To engage with every generation – children, youth, young adults and adults in disciple-making relationships, through an immersive experience or adventure of generosity, uniquely crafted to communicate effectively with each generation.
  2. To develop resources and materials that are affordable, understandable and accessible for every generation within cultures and language groups.
  3. To pave the way and align multiplying movements and collaborations of generosity within every generation.
  4. To partner with various role players in the field of generosity.
  5. To equip and mentor an interconnected network of co-workers.
  6. To identify and mentor leaders to take the movement forward.
  7. To build growing interconnected teams to carry the vision and catalyse the movement in every village, community, town, city, country and continent.

To learn more about our GDEs for all ages, visit our resources page.

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Our Team

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The Generous Generations movement is comprised of an extraordinary blend of global volunteers and visionary leaders, who are dedicated to helping ignite the Biblical spirit of generosity in every corner of the world.

Servant Leadership

At the helm of this intercultural journey are a few servant leaders who steer our vision with precision and provide strategic guidance. Supported by our partners such as the Global Children's Forum (GCF) and the International Sports Movement, we build on the foundation of a worldwide Generosity movement.

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Danie Vermeulen

Global Movement Leader

With over 43 years of combined experience in ministerial work, church planting, and philanthropy, Danie’s strategic and visionary leadership is pivotal in guiding the Generous Generations movement globally. He supports Generous Generations in fund development and mentors the leadership team. Additionally, he provides movement leadership coaching to several ministries. Danie has spent the past four decades working in Africa, significantly impacting the non-profit and philanthropic sectors. In recent years, he has led a large-scale movement to inspire generosity among Africans. Danie’s leadership in Generous Generations is highly influential and deeply valuable.

Cherise Vermeulen

Executive Director

When the vision for Generous Generations was conceived in her heart and in the hearts of others, Cherise embraced the opportunity to lead and nurture it. She operates with a visionary and strategic mindset, driven by a passion to create impactful work that leaves a lasting legacy. Cherise's professional journey spans both corporate and charitable domains, and her enthusiasm for cultivating tomorrow's Kingdom givers is infectious. Over the past 28 years, she has excelled as a media producer, writer, communications specialist, and founder of her own film and video production company, philm48.com. She helps spearhead the vision and strategic direction of Generous Generations under the expert guidance and oversight of other trusted movement leaders.

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Gert Roberts

Content Developer and Leadership Coach

With more than 30 years of organizational, leadership development, coaching, and mentoring experience, Gert has a passion for maximizing the wellbeing and growth within individuals, teams, leaders, and organizations — guiding them strategically through their challenges towards future-focused outcomes, performance, and growth in business and life. Gert also assists the global Generous Generations team with developing content for young adults and adults.

Martie Van Tonder

Videography & Editing

Martie completed her training and internship in film and video production at Media Village Productions. She has several years of experience in television and video production. She faithfully serves Generous Generations as a videographer and editor and is currently expanding her skills in animation, a critical area for Generous Generations to help protect the identity of children and their families. Martie has a passion for seeing Generous Generations flourish and is a hardworking, committed member of the team.

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J.Paul Fridenmaker

Funding and Resource Partner

J.Paul Fridenmaker has spent 30 years in ministry and philanthropy. He volunteers time to support the Generous Generations team through fundraising and other resource partners. From 2012 to 2021, he worked with Daryl Heald and the Maclellan Foundation to build a global initiative called Generosity Path. During this time, he and Daryl dreamed about what it would be like to develop Journey of Generosity retreats for children and teens. J.Paul and his wife Julie have four young adult children and live north of Seattle, Washington.

Translations Coordinators

Behind the scenes, we also have amazing volunteer Translations Coordinators who selflessly offer their time to help coordinate the translation efforts of our resources into more than 25 languages. This role is critical as we strive to ensure that our resources for children, youth, and young adults are available in as many languages as possible.

Together, every person who volunteers their time to Generous Generations, forms the backbone of our movement, driving leadership, fundraising, content creation, translations, training, coaching, and global expansion. Their dedication is not just inspiring — it's the driving force behind this movement to empower generations with the transformative power of Kingdom generosity.

Global Volunteers

Some of our volunteer supporters from places such as: Egypt, USA, Pakistan, India, Australia, Brazil, Syria, Zambia, Burundi, Nigeria, Ethiopia and more!

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