Generous Generations was inspired by the recognition that children, youth and young adults are often exposed to consumerist values. The movement aims to counteract this by nurturing a generation of generous givers, guided by biblical principles.

Generous Generations stands out for its holistic approach, combining engaging digital resources with tactile resources, clearly amplifying biblical principles. The movement emphasizes not only financial generosity but also giving time, talent, conservation, and kindness.

No, you can give time, kindness and compassion, encouragement, talents or skills, or anything that God leads you to give to someone.

We're driven by a deep desire to heal the world through our acts of giving, inspired by the boundless generosity of Jesus our Saviour. Throughout the pages of Scripture, we're reminded of God's countless gifts to us:

  • He breathed life into our beings (Genesis 2:7)
  • Fashioned a breathtaking world (Genesis 1:31)
  • Gifted us the illuminating wisdom of the Bible (Psalm 119:105).
  • Through His resurrection, He gave us the free gift of eternal life (Matthew 28:6), alongside His Spirit, various talents, and the promise of His return to share eternity with us (Revelation 22:20).

His generosity touches every aspect of our lives, and as children, youth and young adults venture into the exciting journey of generous living, they grow into adults capable of healing the world through their compassionate actions.